September 14th - 17th, 2008
Junk Drawer Metalsmithing: Extended Version

"what if" have a beautiful location, a generous teacher & creative, artful campers...? What if we transform the
Swan Ridge Camp of last year and explore other artful expressions? We can't wait to experience this time with you and we are thrilled that Stephanie said yes, when asked, "what if"?

Semiprecious Salvage, by Stephanie Lee
just a peek at what you will explore in Junk Drawer Metalsmithing
Extend Version...yes...your are getting 2 full days + 1 evening!
Back by popular demand, this extended version of the cram-packed-with techniques workshop offers even more than the original! Metal-smithing, an art of the masters, is presented in an innovative and non-intimidating way making it so you’ll never look at metal the same again. Not your typical metal-smithing class, it is designed to show you how to take readily accessible materials and tools to create totally original pieces. Whether you like bright and shiny or aged and earthy, you will love learning to cast your own metal components from your favorite found objects (you’ll be amazed at how simple it is!). You will also learn how to fabricate sealed metal boxes and shrines to showcase your smaller works of art or to fill with resin, plaster or found objects to incorporate into book arts, assemblage, jewelry and more! Other techniques will be presented including soldering sheet to sheet, creating super simple shrine forms, and free-hand metal etching, and techniques for creating your own filigree. All this will be taught using basic tools in a way that you can easily transfer to your own work space. Sheet metal & strip along with misc. materials and booklet of hints and tips will be provided. **Soldering, etching acids and blackening agents will all be used in this class. All measures will be taken to create adequate ventilation as much as possible. If you have extreme sensitivities to these products, consider this carefully before registering. 2 full days + 1 eve.

Camp fees will include two days and one evening of instruction with Stephanie + kit fee accommodations for three nights - eight meals and a welcome party + gathering surprises!
We also offer commuter, spouse and one class only options.
we are thrilled to be able to share this Montana mountain gem with you.
This fantastic location is situated just south of
Glacier National Park
& the quaint town of Big Fork.
artful gathering will camp right on Swan Lake
in historic cabins...we will have a great teacher, delicious food
and views full of inspiration!
Sign up today as our space is limited

So...what took a journey to Montana, camped in a historic cabin, made art while making new friends...what if? We hope you say "yes" as well...
We look forward to meeting you at the camp fire!
To request a registration form you can...
email to 406keli at (link in profile)
call (406)544-5234
fax a request to (406)543-3168

artful gathering presents....
Stephanie Lee
Junk Drawer Metalsmithing: Extended Version
at Six Mile Estate - Swan Lake - Montana
September 14th - 17th, 2008
see you there!